Thursday Match Play League

Starts May 8.  14 OR 15 WEEKS weeks (depends on number of teams entered)

The Thursday “Match Play League” is open to anyone wanting to play head-to-head Match Play Golf.  Matches take place on Thursday’s and start times are flexible based upon when opposing teams can schedule their match tee time (anytime after 2pm).

Each Team is comprised of 2 golfers who each week compete in a match against another team.  Player A vs. Player A, and Player B vs. Player B.  In addition, there is a third match going on simultaneously pitting Team 1 vs Team 2.  Three Matches taking place at the same time.  There are 9 points available per match with a total of 27 possible points each week.

The Entry Fee is just $40 and there is a MANDATORY  $10 “Buy-In” each week for Gross & Net Skins and Closest to the Pin.  All weekly Skins & CP are paid in cash.  This league is “Real Golf”!

Ready to Reserve your Spot?

3005 Noble Hawk Drive, Kendallville, IN 46755